The Gay Factory is the only GLBTQ + village in Italy, located in Abruzzo, a production created by the European Gay Network and born with the aim of finally giving a meeting place and social exchange to the entire GLBTQ + community in Italy and to give a strong and clear signal of abolition of all sorts of gender discrimination. The Gay Factory has taken on the heavy and important commitment to counter the spread of homophobia in Italy and to break down certain stereotypes that arouse acts of violence and discrimination against the GLBTQ + community. The Idea of the Gay Factory was born from the director and International Art Director Maximo De Marco, RAI Silver Horse Award and internationally recognized GLBTQ + rights activist, under the High Patronage of UNESCO and SIAE and promoted by CANAL G ONLUS and the EUROPEAN GAY NETWORK. The Gay Factory lasts the entire summer season starting from May 2022 to October 2022. In the thick programming of the Gay Factory there are interventions with well-known GLBTQ + writers and characters, to address all the various problems of the GLBTQ + world, with the creation of Psychological help and support desks for GLBTQ + people and socio-recreational activities, such as themed cinemas, spaces for sports activities, presentation of literary and musical works, as well as theatrical performances always on a GLBTQ + theme, all in one environment inclusive and open to anyone who shares ideals of respect and social integration.
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